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[Włochy]Extra virgin olive oil

extra virgin olive DOP oil of Latina Hill's (Lazio).
Altitude: 300/500 asl
Harvest method: manual
Appearance: veiled
Perfume: intense, typical of olive
Density: medium
Packaging: bottles of 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 L
Ideal use: as dressing and for cooking
Flavour: medium fruity with a vegetable aftertaste
Extraction method: at cold with ecologic system
Expected doc: itrana
Variety of olive: frantoiano, leccino, itrana

Dodatkowe informacje:

Miejsce produkcji:Latina (hills of Cori)
Marka:Pietra Pinta
Cena:8,37 EUR
Komentarz do ceny:FOB Italy
Opakowania:750 ml

Kategoria: Artyku?y spo?ywcze -> Artyku?y rolno-spo?ywcze -> Oleje, t?uszcze

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Telefon stacjonarny: +39 06 9314563